Born in Ukraine

Terms of use

1.General Terms of Use

1.1 If you choose to use this website and its applications, including RSS, APIs, software and other files, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions set forth in the terms of use of this website (the "Terms"). . These Rules are a legally binding agreement between you and, the subject of which is to provide you with access to the materials on the website and its services.

1.2 We may change the terms and conditions set out in these Terms at any time, and such changes will take effect immediately upon publication on the Website.

1.3 You must read these Terms and Conditions before using the Website. Your continued use of the Website after publication of the revised Rules constitutes your agreement to abide by the Rules and all changes to them.

1.4 If any terms of these Rules or changes to them are unacceptable to you, you may discontinue using the Website. This Website is not intended for use by minors.

2. Website Content

2.1 The materials published on this website are for your personal use only, not for commercial use. All materials published on this website, including but not limited to: data, text, photographs, images, illustrations, audio and video materials (hereinafter referred to as "materials" or "content"), are copyrighted by and are owned or controlled by or on behalf of the content provider. You must comply with any additional copyright notices and restrictions contained on any page of this website.

2.2 The content of this website is protected by copyright under Ukrainian and international copyright laws. You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale, reproduce, create new products, distribute, perform, or in any way exploit the content of this website (including software) in whole or in part.

2.3 Trade names, trademarks, etc. or third parties are protected by copyright. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark, patent, design right or copyright of or any third party.

2.4 You may not download or copy the content of this website or other components and elements displayed on this website without the prior written consent of The systematic or automatic collection of data from the website (parsing) by means of special software or services (parsers) is prohibited without the prior written consent of the website owner.

3. Your Responsibilities

3.1 You agree to use this web-site only for lawful purposes and not to violate rights of other users, and also not to limit or prevent others in access and use of this web-site.

3.2 You agree not to commit any actions that violate the laws of Ukraine and international law, including intellectual property, copyright and/or related rights, as well as any actions that cause or may cause an interruption of the normal operation of the Website, the Website and its service.

3.3 Your comments posted on the Website must not contradict the requirements of Ukrainian legislation and generally accepted standards of morality.

3.4 You agree to immediately notify of any infringement of copyright on materials on the website.

4. Other terms and conditions

4.1 is not a provider of financial or any other services that require a license or permission. The material on the website is for informational purposes only. We are under no obligation to you or any third party to conduct compliance, financial monitoring, AML / KYC procedures or other similar measures.

4.2 may terminate access to all or part of the website for any reason at its sole discretion.

4.3 These rules apply in accordance with the laws of Ukraine. Any disputes relating to the implementation of these rules shall be resolved by the appropriate court in the manner prescribed by the applicable laws of Ukraine.

4.4 Nothing in these Rules can be interpreted as the establishment between you and of the agency relationship, joint activity relationship, employment relationship, or any other relationship, not directly provided by the Rules.

4.5 These Rules cannot be used to interpret the terms set out in the Privacy and Personal Protection Policy.

4.6 The materials published on this website do not contain advice on investments, finance and trading of any assets and other similar issues and should not be considered as advice, instructions or calls to action of any kind. In making any decision regarding investing, financing and trading any assets or other similar matters, you should make an independent due diligence analysis of all factors and, if necessary, seek assistance from appropriate experts or advisors.

4.7 The materials may contain links to other websites, resources and advertisers. We are not responsible for the availability of these external resources or their content, and if in doubt, please contact the administrators of such resources. Be warned that is not responsible for your access and use of external resources that may be linked to the site.

4.8. will take steps to provide accurate information, improve and update the materials on the site, but does not guarantee or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any materials, and is not responsible for any incomplete, inaccurate or improper liability for information or materials on the site. The materials on this site are distributed "as is" without warranty of any kind, including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.

4.9 is not responsible or liable directly for any costs or damages that you may incur as a result of any content on this site.

4.10 Materials or services of the site or any part thereof may be accompanied by advertising, including advertising of goods and services of third parties. will not be responsible or liable in any way for such advertisements.

4.11 takes safety issues very seriously, especially with regard to persons under the age of majority, so, for its part, appeals to parents to explain to their children about Internet safety issues, their specific purpose and need to use certain services of the Website.

5. Contacting

5.1 To contact you can send an email to адресу

5.2 If you want to leave feedback about the work of the Website or services of third parties, information about which is published on the Website, you can fill in the appropriate form on the Website.

5.3. reserves the right to send to your email information about changes or additions to services on the Site.

5.4. reserves the right to disclose usage information and demographics, provided that this will not reveal your identity. Advertisers on the site may collect and disseminate personal information about you only with your consent, in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy of

5.5. may contact you by e-mail about your participation in a user survey, asking questions in order to improve current and prospective materials. This information will be used to improve the Site and to better understand our users. Any information we receive in such surveys will not be shared with third parties, except for aggregated, anonymized data.